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Nominate Leading Ladies Making a Difference in Your Industry! Award nominations are currently closed. Thank you to everyone that submitted!

Complete Nomination Form Here
Tradeswoman of the Year

A woman working in a trades career that excels in her career and is an advocate for women in her industry.


Mentor of the Year 

A woman actively working to mentor other women in her industry or students looking to get into the industry after school. 


Marketer of the Year 

A woman whose job responsibilities are primarily marketing related with a proven track record of success. 


Leadership in STEM/STEAM

A woman whose job responsibilities are primarily STEM/STEAM related, who is excelling at her career and being a positive example for current and future females wanting to work in a STEM/STEAM career.


Innovator of the Year 

A woman who thinks outside the box to create solutions that positively impact her work environment, professional peers, and/or effectuate change in the Industry.


Engineer of the Year 

A woman whose job responsibilities are primarily engineering related who is excelling at her career and being a positive example for current and future female engineers.


Emerging Leader of the Year

A woman with less than 10 years of experience in her industry who is emerging as a leader through excelling at projects and or advocating for women in her field. 


Industry Advocacy 

A woman who advocates for the advancement of women in her industry.


Saleswoman of the Year 

A woman whose job responsibilities are primarily sales related with a proven track record of success.


Leadership in Manufacturing 

A woman working in the manufacturing industry who shows leadership that is positively impacting those who work with her.


Leadership in Reliability & Operations 

A woman working in the leadership in reliability and operations who shows leadership that is positively impacting those who work with her.


Leadership in Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

A woman who is fostering an environment that proactively engages in diverse representation, equal opportunities, and belonging.

Tips for Submission


Include a letter of recommendation from the nominator and or someone who is directly impacted by the nominee - for example when submitting a nominee for mentor of the year, including a statement from a mentee will help showcase the merit. 


Include specific examples of how she meets the requirements for the award.


We want to promote women who are succeeding in their careers because through their example they are good ambassadors for all women currently working in the industry and for younger women looking to start their careers. With this in mind, tell us why your nominee should be celebrated.



Rules & Fine Print


Winners from last year will not be considered for the same award this year.


When submitting a nomination form for a person, you can only choose a maximum of three categories.​


Winners will be chosen by an anonymous vote by the event Steering Committee and results are final.


Winners will be announced during Empowering Women 2024.


Sponsor an Award


Companies that sponsor awards will be invited to the gala to present the award. For more information, view our sponsorship page.

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