What does Empowering Women in Industry mean to you?
I took the road that once was not allowed and is currently less traveled. It is my goal to blaze the trail for young females and minorities today that are interested in pursuing a STEM centered career. I want to empower women to have control of their career because when women have access to opportunities it improves not just their lives, but also their family and community.
How did you get started in your field?
My Dad was an operator for Duke Energy at their Oconee Nuclear station. He wasn't an engineer, but I loved hearing stories about what he did. That really inspired me to get my engineering degree and focus on power.
What do you love most about your job? What are you most proud of?
I love when someone that interned with me or I mentored calls me bragging about their new project assignment or promotion. That makes me so proud.
What advice would you give to someone considering this line of work?
We need you. The power industry is changing and we need women to make an impact in the future of what the energy landscape looks like.
Anything else you would like to add?
The power system should be secure, sustainable, affordable, and reliable for the future of our energy needs. I encourage each of you to get involved because we need women and minorities. Together we have the #powertomakeadifference.