What does Empowering Women in Industry mean to you?
When I first started in this industry in 2006 there weren't really any dedicated groups for women in the field and I'll admit, when they first started popping up I wasn't moved to get involved - my view was, I'm a person in this industry not a woman in it. Well, I've since changed my tune as I've worked with so many women new to this industry which has shined a light on how much we still need to do to help carve out our place in it. I love what Empowering Women in Industry is doing to highlight the success of women & the community that is being strengthened everyday. I only wish I'd jumped in sooner!
How did you get started in your field?
I started in 2006 when I began working for The Society for Maintenance & Reliability Professionals. I was a non-profit management professional who quickly learned that the reliability community was where I truly belonged. Since 2012 I have been working at UE Systems, Inc. - we are a technology provider helping our customers improve reliability at their facilities by implementing ultrasound condition monitoring. I went from supporting M&R professionals to becoming one.
What do you love most about your job? What are you most proud of?
I love the team I work with and the customers I get to support. Our technology is ever evolving which keeps me on my toes and keeps me constantly learning which is another plus. I also absolutely love that my job requires me to engage with the reliability community - other solutions providers as well - which has allowed me to meet and work with some remarkable individuals - all of us with a common purpose to help make plants and facilities safer and more reliable.
What advice would you give to someone considering this line of work?
Jump in - the water's warm! So much opportunity and a diverse set of opportunities at that! Pair that with a supportive and fun community and it's hard to imagine why you'd want to do anything else.
Anything Else?
I've gotten to work with a lot of women in the last two years - something that was not the case in my previous years in this industry - and it has been truly a joy and has opened my eyes even further to the value of groups like this one. We need to always be finding ways to lift one another up, support each other, and help build the confidence that we truly belong here and have much to add.