There is no easy place to start when talking about racial injustice. But sometimes you just have to start.
We want to acknowledge the deep pain and heartache that is being felt across our country and the world right now due to racial injustice, and we can’t do this without acknowledging the same heartache, fear and inequality that people of color have felt for centuries.
Over the past week, our staff has been gathering resources that we have found helpful in educating ourselves on racial inequality, how to be strong allies to fight systemic injustices, and resources to help the marginalized.
This is by no means an exhaustive list, and we hope to add more to it. This is a community of inclusion and education – if you have links or resources you want to add to this list, please send those to us.
Video Discussion with Charli & Candace Reese Walters
Or listen to this discussion via podcast:
Anti-Racism Resources: Document compiled by Sarah Sophie Flicker, Alyssa Klein in May 2020.
Black Lives Matter Toolkits
Directory of Pro-Bono attorneys for protestors: https://www.derouenlawfirm.com/attorney-directory
75 Things White People can do for Racial Injustice
How to be an Ally During Times of Tragedy:
How to Contact Your Elected Officials:
Children's Books about race and diversity
Follow Instagram account: @diversereads
NAACP Legal Defense Fund: https://www.naacpldf.org/
Donate to Help Protests Against Police Brutality
Ways to get therapy
19 Black-Owned Banks and How to Support Them
Confronting Prejudice: How to Protect Yourself and Help Others" published by Pepperdine University's online Master of Psychology program
A comprehensive guide highlighting 25 black-owned home decor businesses